Authority of the Kingdom – Jesus’ Model

By Published On: September 2nd, 2022

Music is an inspiring and fascinating celebration of social justice, breaking down the barriers between those of faith, and no faith – it is not only fun – it lifts the hearts of all of us who believe in a better world and gives us hope for tomorrow.

Authority of the Kingdom – Jesus’ Model

Jesus gave His disciples authority over unclean spirits and the power to heal every disease (Matthew 10:1). This authority wasn’t reserved for His original twelve but extends to all believers walking in faith.

Main Content:
Authority in the Kingdom comes with responsibility. Jesus trained His disciples to act in His name, demonstrating the Kingdom through healing, deliverance, and proclamation of the gospel.

  • Biblical Illustration: The healing of the paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) reveals Jesus’ authority to forgive and heal.
  • Key Lessons: Walking in authority requires faith, alignment with God’s will, and boldness.

A church is a community

Pull Quote:
“He gave them authority… to cast out unclean spirits and to heal every disease.” (Matthew 10:1)

Engaging Question:
What steps can you take to walk boldly in the authority Jesus has given you?

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