The Rise of Rationalism
By the end of the eighteenth century, the so-called “Enlightenment” thinker Immanuel Kant (1784) declared that humanity had come of age, breaking free from external authorities such as the Bible and the Church.
Kant famously stated:
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance from another.”
This philosophy positioned human reason as supreme, leading to a critical attitude toward biblical authority. The Bible was no longer viewed as divine revelation but as a historical text subject to human scrutiny.
A New Way of Judging Scripture
Enlightenment thinkers began questioning the validity of miracles and prophecy in Scripture. They argued that the supernatural elements of the Bible were myths created by ancient people who lacked scientific knowledge. This rationalistic approach deeply influenced modern theology, leading to:
- Biblical criticism — Questioning the authorship and authenticity of Scripture.
- A rejection of miracles — Seeing them as superstitious and impossible.
- The rise of Deism — Viewing God as a distant Creator uninvolved in human affairs.
How the Enlightenment Influenced Western Worldview
- Naturalism — The belief that the world operates solely through natural laws.
- Materialism — Valuing physical possessions over spiritual realities.
- Humanism — Placing human reasoning above divine revelation.
- Individualism — Prioritizing personal autonomy over communal faith.
- Rationalism — Seeing faith as secondary to human intellect.
Biblical Response: The Supernatural Reality of God
The Enlightenment worldview led many to functionally adopt Deism, where God is seen as a distant Creator rather than an active presence in our lives. However, the Bible presents a vastly different picture of God’s involvement:
“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” — Colossians 1:17
Jesus Christ did not simply set the world in motion and step back—He is actively involved in every detail of our lives.
Example: Throughout Scripture, God speaks, acts, and intervenes—from the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21) to the miraculous works of Jesus (Mark 5:25-34). The biblical worldview acknowledges both the natural and supernatural dimensions of reality.
Worldviews shape how we perceive truth, morality, and God. They influence entire cultures and civilizations. The European Enlightenment drastically shifted how the Western world views faith, replacing divine revelation with human reason. This worldview continues to affect modern Christianity, often stripping it of the supernatural power of God.
Key Points:
- Worldviews determine how we see reality—they shape our values, beliefs, and decisions.
- The Enlightenment prioritized reason over revelation, leading to skepticism toward miracles and biblical authority.
- Biblical Christianity embraces the supernatural—God is active in history and our daily lives.
Engaging Question: How has your worldview been shaped by the culture around you, and how does it align with biblical truth?